Tag: mfm

In a recent webinar, Caleb King, Director of Customer Engagement at AS Software, and Dr. Michael Ruma, President of Perinatal Associates of New Mexico, shared their experiences and strategies for leveraging data to enhance healthcare practices. The discussion highlighted the journey from reactive to proactive data usage, emphasizing the significant impact on patient outcomes, staff efficiency, and overall business growth.

Caleb King opened the session by emphasizing the critical role of data in achieving healthcare objectives. He highlighted that, whether the goal is to streamline operations, improve patient outcomes, or drive business growth, the foundation lies in benchmarking current performance and continuously measuring progress. By understanding where you stand today, you can make informed decisions and track the impact of changes over time. Caleb then introduced Dr. Ruma, who has been integrating data analytics into his maternal-fetal medicine (MFM) practice since 2008, transforming it into a more efficient and patient-focused operation.

Dr. Ruma shared his journey of joining Perinatal Associates of New Mexico when it was a smaller practice with three offices and 30 staff members. Through data-driven decisions and process improvements, the practice has grown significantly, now boasting five MFM physicians and over 130 team members, including 17 advanced practice nurses, four genetic counselors, and 36 sonographers.

Key to this growth has been the strategic use of business data alongside medical data. By understanding patient demographics, referral patterns, and operational efficiencies, Dr. Ruma’s practice has been able to make informed decisions that drive growth and improve patient care.

One of the challenges Dr. Ruma highlighted is the lack of business training for healthcare professionals. He emphasized the need to move beyond traditional medical training to understand financials, data analysis, and operational efficiencies.

Dr. Ruma shared how Perinatal Associates initially struggled with time-consuming processes, using unstandardized data, like manually typing ultrasound reports. Partnering with AS Software in 2013 helped automate these processes, resulting in an 86% reduction in report creation time, saving their clinicians over 23 hours a week. This time-savings allowed the practice to see more patients and improve overall efficiency.

Perinatal Associates of New Mexico Decreases Ultrasound Documentation Time

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Dr. Ruma also discussed the implementation of standardized ultrasound protocols. By using electronic checklists on ultrasound machines, the practice was able to reduce the time spent on each exam by 9 to 10 minutes. This not only improved operational efficiency but also enhanced the quality of patient care by allowing more time for complex cases.

Read more on this published research: Ruma MS, Bradley H, Holstrom A, Rigdon J, Herring A. Obstetric Ultrasound Efficiency and Accuracy Using a Protocol-Based Examination. J Ultrasound Med. 2016;35(3):565-569. doi:10.7863/ultra.15.03075

A significant part of the webinar focused on the use of Microsoft Power BI, a business intelligence tool that aggregates data from various sources into a visual, real-time dashboard. This tool has been instrumental in helping Perinatal Associates monitor key performance metrics, track patient volumes, and make data-driven decisions.

Dr. Ruma’s top three reports:

  1. Total Patient Visits – overview of the total number of patients seen, helping to gauge overall practice growth and capacity.
  2. Visits by Location – aids in understanding market penetration and identifying areas with growth potential.
  3. Service Line Performance – evaluates service lines overtime to understand how to optimize service delivery and expand offerings.

Dr. Ruma illustrated how Power BI enabled his practice to identify opportunities for new services and locations, ultimately leading to growing patient visits by over 30% in 10 years. For instance, real-time data analysis supported the decision to open a new office in Las Cruces and expand mental health services for pregnant patients.

The journey from reactive to proactive data use has allowed Perinatal Associates of New Mexico to anticipate changes, improve patient care, and enhance operational efficiencies. Dr. Ruma emphasized the importance of continuous learning and adapting, using data not just to react to issues but to proactively identify opportunities for improvement.

Caleb King concluded the webinar by encouraging healthcare professionals to start by identifying specific business problems and leveraging data to address them. He stressed the importance of partnerships with EMR providers, software vendors, like AS Software, and internal staff to achieve success. By fostering a culture of continuous improvement and data-driven decision-making, healthcare practices can enhance their efficiency, patient care, and overall success.

The insights shared by Caleb King and Dr. Ruma demonstrate the transformative power of data in healthcare. By moving from reactive to proactive data use, healthcare practices can achieve significant improvements in patient outcomes, staff efficiency, and business growth.

To learn more about how to embrace data analytics, standardize processes, and leverage technology to unlock the full potential of your practice, watch the webinar on-demand.

Dr. Michael S. Ruma

Michael S. Ruma, MD, MPH, Physician Partner & President

Dr. Michael S. Ruma, a board-certified maternal-fetal medicine specialist, prioritizes caring for high-risk pregnancies. He trained at Creighton University and the University of North Carolina, where he also earned a Master of Public Health. Joining Perinatal Associates of New Mexico in 2008, he expanded the practice and integrated telemedicine, significantly enhancing patient care. 

Caleb King

Caleb King, Director of Customer Engagement

Caleb King, a Six Sigma Black Belt, with over a decade of experience building results-driven relationships, has a deep understanding of meeting customer needs with efficiency. At AS Software, Caleb coordinates complex healthcare projects, and is passionate about making a positive impact by delivering value with ongoing expertise and optimization. 

Dr. Michael Ruma, MD, MPH, FACOG is a Maternal-Fetal Medicine Specialist for Perinatal Associates of New Mexico, a leader in outstanding high-risk pregnancy care. Watch as he shares how AS Software helped his practice grow and thrive while saving valuable time previously spent on ultrasound documentation.  


Without an automated ultrasound reporting system in use, clinicians at Perinatal Associates of New Mexico were limiting time with patients to manually type ultrasound reports and locally print them. The inefficient ultrasound documentation process was a large time burden hindering growth at the practice. 


Dr. Ruma engaged AS Software to help drive efficiency by automating and organizing the reporting and review process: 

  • Allowing all images to be easily accessed remotely, from anywhere in the world 
  • Efficiently creating high-quality, succinct reports for referring providers that are easy to read 
  • Quickly faxing and sending information through integration with Greenway EHR

“A dramatic amount of growth happened over the last decade because AS Software allows us to be highly efficient and organized, with great connectivity to electronic medical records.”
Dr. Michael Ruma
President, Perinatal Associates of New Mexico


AS Software automation significantly reduced the time required to create an ultrasound report from 5-7 minutes to 30-60 seconds. This efficiency enabled the practice to expand services, accommodate more patients, and establish additional offices and satellite sites. In the first year alone, the practice increased its study volume while reducing documentation time by 86%*.


“We were able to move through the day faster and more efficiently, which allowed us to see more patients and ultimately achieve financial improvement,” noted Dr. Ruma

In the first full year of using AS Software, Perinatal Associates of New Mexico experienced a 23% increase in patient volume, resulting in a $315,000 increase in practice revenue.

Dr. Ruma and the team at Perinatal Associates of New Mexico continue to partner with AS Software to optimize their healthcare practice, achieving significant improvements in staff efficiency, business growth, and patient outcomes.

Learn more about reducing ultrasound documentation time with automation: Get a Demo 

*This percentage is determined conservatively by taking the higher end of the initial timeframe—7 minutes, or 420 seconds—and comparing it to the higher end of the post-automation time of 60 seconds. By subtracting the post-automation time from the pre-automation time, dividing by the pre-automation time, and multiplying by 100, we find that each report now takes 360 seconds less to complete, multiplying savings across each report and significantly increasing the practice’s efficiency.